Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pigeon around?

Off late, there's been a lot of debate on the "Origin of Species", and how man is the pinacle of nature's evolution, all the way from a single-celled organism. For all those of you who swear by the theory of Evolution, and think Darwinism should be a new religion rather than a concept, this is going to be a disappointment. Because although I believe in a logical world, there is one startling exception to the basic law of nature, that defies all possible logic. Its whats known as Ectopistes, commonly known by many as the Common Pigeon.

At first it doesn't seem so shocking, its got a beak, wings, feet, eyes, all thats required to call a bird a bird. But its just the logic of its purpose, I mean why is it there?

There's a purpose for every creature in the world, a chicken is meant to be caught by predators, thats why it has no wings and can grow fat really easily. A tiger is meant to be a carnivore, so it has the claws and teeth and everything needed to make mincemeat of anything in its way. An earthworm is never meant to play football, or the piano, it just needs to convert waste to well, better looking waste. So its just a ribbon of life. But a pigeon?

Apart from looking and acting like its been shot up with a cauldron of caffeine, and having the uncanny ability to drop a load on you on the exact day that you decide to wear a new dress, someday like your birthday, your wedding day, and your funeral (if your really unlucky), they have nothing noteworthy. Perhaps they were meant to be God's solution for an aerial fertilisation network. But then it gets worse as this is the only bird I've ever seen to collide with something in its path. Your watching a pigeon fly off a ledge, swoop awkwardly towards the ground, and fly face first into a hoarding. So scratch off the skill of flying.

Now, this is going to be a bit off, but I once encountered this in a friend's crossword puzzle:

15 Across, Sound a pigeon makes (3)

The solution I'd given to this fit pretty well, except for the fact that the answer to the next question would turn out to make no sense. The written answer however was "Coo".

Now if you've heard this creature make any sound even remotely, you'd know that it does not coo. A coo implies its a sound you actually like to hear, with a musical note of some sort. No, the sound a pigeon makes comes out more or less as a guttural "Urr". And its intensity and pitch increase with every successive Urr, until it just sounds like some sort of air raid siren. In fact I believe Hitchcock's Classic, "The Birds", would've been doubly horrifying if only he'd incorporated the pigeon's Urr as a subplot.

So why is it that pigeons have been created in this world? They don't prey on other creatures, thus resulting in a balance of life, instead they breed like there's no tomorrow. They can't be eaten, I mean you wouldn't want to. And they don't look or sound good either. If Darwin's theory of Evolution holds true, a species as daft, unwieldy and useless as this should have died out long ago. I mean the dinosaurs died out, and they were a cool bunch, and yet these survived. How?

Maybe there is a reason. Maybe they're just meant to be there in this world as a sort of reference to absolute asininity. Just as a warning. Or maybe it goes to show that maybe, just maybe, there might have been some sort of "Intelligent Designer". And even he can make huge mistakes at times.


  1. After your mention of the post on pigeon yest, the first thing I do today morning is open your blog and read it :P.

    This was one hilarious post. It doesn't seem written at a sudden whim it seems as though you had planned the whole post for quite sometime.

    Once again, congrats on the great post - i laughed my way through it :D Especially the 'Urr' :P

  2. they used to carry mails n stuff y'know.. :P
