Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Beginning..

So this is how it begins. After nearly weeks of debating, abandonment, more internal conflict, and a surprising amount of free time, I have finally decided to pen down what actually goes on inside my head. The last time I thought of writing this I got as close as registering myself with one of the myriad blogging sites, only to be scared off by a tutorial designed by a nuclear physicist, and an excruciatingly slow internet connection.

This is an important step forward for a person like me , because far, far in the future, in the time-less fight between right and wrong, both sides are going to end up killing each other off, and its people like me who shall be left to pick up the pieces and start over. So I can comfortably say that in a period of 30-40 years from now, all this will actually matter. What was that about the meek inheriting the earth? Whoever said it probably didn’t know which side to stick to, and ended up straight down the middle, staring down the barrel of a gun on one side, cannon on his rear, and yes, no inheritance in sight. Which is why it’s better not to be going around thinking too much, and coming up with things that can only get you into trouble.

Ok, now I’m rambling, which I must soon bring to a halt before it goes any further (especially regarding the cannon).

This journal is going to be my view of the world outside, the way I look at things, some of them so mundane most of us just take them for granted every single day, some of them past experiences and realizations that have helped put an entirely new spin on the way I think, and how I’ve ended up this way. So the first thing to logically do would be to talk about, you guessed it, myself.

My name is Jayanth Subramanian (that’s right it ends with an ‘N’, not an ‘M’), and unlike what a friend of mine thinks, I do NOT come from a place called South India. There is no such place. It’s like saying people who come from India speak Indian and wear Indian clothes and eat Indian food. It all doesn’t exist. Period.

There’s this short interlude in the beginning of my life like the Bourne series, where the lead character has no idea where he is or what he’s doing stuck in the middle of the ocean on a boat. Similarly all I know is that I was born in the city of Coimbatore and then next thing you know it, my family and I are in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia! Not on a boat though. And there on begins the story of my life. You could make a film on it, if you wanted, and it would be called MNIJS, which, agreed isn’t as catchy a name as you’d think, but more on that later.

Then again, this isn’t going to be all biographical and nostalgic, I haven’t exactly gotten old and experienced in years (unfortunately people think that I have) to be dictating to the rest of the world and expect it all to be lapped up without question or comment. So feel free to express your complete disbelief, absolute shock or whole-hearted agreement, or any other human feeling you might want to give vent to with respect to whatever I decide to write out here. And I might actually bother about it. Or not. Mostly the latter.

To a new beginning!



  1. whaT?? u lived in Saudi Arabia? i didnt know about this.... hella good writing by the way, keep it up, give us some more info on ur beginnings uuuuuu Southern Indian ;)

  2. Hello SubramaniaM:) Not bad at all! Expect me to be among the frontlines of the millions of people protesting your hairbrained ideas..(Lol im so tempted to say something about your hair..)
